Kasimir Malevich, Dynamic Suprematism (1915 or 1916).
In this lecture, Professor Jan Klabbers explored the tension that exists between the putative public mission of intergovernmental organizations and the ways in which they relate to the private sector. In particular, he discussed the various ways intergovernmental organizations can (and do) interact with the private sector, and placed the growing (awareness of) private sector involvement against the background of the leading functionalist theory of the law of international organizations.
This lecture was co-hosted by the Laureate Program in International Law and the Institute for International Law and the Humanities (IILAH).
Jan Klabbers is currently Academy Professor (Martti Ahtisaari Chair) at the University of Helsinki. His publications include work on general international law, the law of treaties, and especially the law of international organizations, including An Introduction to International Organizations Law (3rd edn, Cambridge University Press 2015) and, hot off the press, ‘Reflections on Role Responsibility: The Responsibility of International Organizations for Failing to Act’ (2017) 28 European Journal of International Law 1133.