
Jack Stanovsek

Jack Stanovsek is a Program Fellow with the Laureate Program in International Law. He is a Juris Doctor student at Melbourne Law School and a graduate of Duke University (Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Arabic and Middle Eastern Politics). Throughout his legal studies, his interests have centred on the intersection of immigration and humanitarianism. He currently volunteers at the Refugee Council of Australia.

In 2016, he worked as a contractor for Oxfam in New Delhi, India, assessing the Indian financial sector against the rubric of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. At Duke University, he studied the influx of unaccompanied child migrants from the Central American triangle into the southern United States. He has also researched the relationship between religiosity and trauma in the Iraqi refugee community in Cairo, Egypt. He plans on a career in immigration law upon graduating from the Melbourne Juris Doctor in 2019.