Daria Davitti
Lund University/University of Nottingham
Daria Davitti is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Lund University, Faculty of Law, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, where she heads the Forced Migration Unit of the Human Rights Law Centre. Her work is concerned with the implementation of international law in complex contexts, such as situations of armed conflict, migration and humanitarian contexts. Her current research project, Liquid Borders, examines EU migration policies to interrogate how they contribute to the ‘liquidity’ of the EU border, for instance through externalization, privatization, cooperation with third countries, and development aid. Daria holds a PhD and an LLM in international human rights law from the University of Nottingham. Before joining academia, Daria worked as a human rights field officer with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), and with various international non-governmental organizations. During her visit with the Laureate Program, Daria will consolidate the philosophical and theoretical framework underpinning her Liquid Borders project.